Npdf definition of buffer zone in geography

Gis, remote sensing, riparian buffer zone, aquatic macrophytes. Buffer zone definition of buffer zone by the free dictionary. Region where boundaries are very thinly or weakly developed. World heritage and buffer zones unesco world heritage centre. A buffer zone is generally a zonal area that lies between two or more areas but depending on the type of buffer zone, it may serve to separate regions or conjoin. In its simplest definition, a buffer zone is an area between two or more adversarial powers, whose function is to physically separate them. Buffer zone meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. The buffer zone serves to integrate the biosphere reserve into the geographical. It is also referred to as a zone of specified distance around coverage features. Buffer zone definition is a neutral area separating conflicting forces. At first, buffers were mainly defined as a means to protect people. As i mentioned in the first chapter and as you may know from experience, buffering is a gis procedure by which zones of specified radius or width are defined around selected vector features or raster grid cells. Definitions of buffer zones are variable, depending on their purpose.

Within buffer zones, resource use may be legally or customarily restricted, often to a lesser degree than in the adjacent protected area so as to form a transition zone. Criteria definition for delimiting a buffer zone to a biosphere reserve in southern. Buffer zone definition in the cambridge english dictionary. Conceptual thinking on buffer zone management has gone through three development stages. A clearly defined buffer zone, which surrounds or adjoins the core zones, may. A buffer in gis is a zone around a map feature measured in units of distance or time. Townships in the south african geographic landscape.

Geographic information systems applied to the analysis of. Also called area of separation in some united nations operations. A buffer is an area defined by the bounding region determined by a set of points at a specified maximum distance from all nodes along segments of an object. Buffer zone definition of buffer zone by merriamwebster. Buffer zones are areas created to enhance the protection of a specific conservation area, often peripheral to it. The buffer zone is a plot area of not less than 75% of the total area of the reserve in line with the recommendations of the international union for conservation of nature. Pdf what do you mean by buffer in gis chhabi baral. A buffer zone is generally a zonal area that lies between two or more other areas often, but not necessarily, countries, but depending on the type of buffer zone, the reason for it may be to. Geometric political boundary straight line political boundary separating territories that do not relate to cultural or physical features.

A buffer zone is formed to create an area of separation between disputing or belligerent forces and reduce the risk of renewed conflict. It is thus conceived as an instrument of peace and stability. Common types of buffer zones are demilitarized zones, border zones and certain restrictive easement zones and green belts. Several buffer zone definitions have been proposed emphasising either conservation or both conservation and development objectives. Synonyms for buffer zone at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Preliminary guideline for the determination of buffer. The word buffer conveys the idea of absorption of tensions, of cushioning. How to define and delineate the geographical boundary of the conservation.

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